Sunday, September 11, 2011


My friend,Jackie and I headed off to treasure hunt at the Brimfield Antique Fair yesterday. We had a great time foraging through a couple of the fields, wishing for more time. We found everything from cowboy boots to an embalming table (eek!). The vendor booths ranged from dump-worthy to sublime and the crowd... fascinating. If you like "old stuff" Brimfield is a must. I am already looking forward to going back in the Spring.

This painted chest was my 2nd purchase of the day...can't decide if I should find a place in my home or if it should head into the shop....?

1 comment:

Carole said...

Hey Laurie,
I see you were there on one of their dry days. Those poor vendors!
Love that first shot of the colorful spools. I must have missed those.
Great dresser. I would keep it for awhile can always sell it later on.
Sorry about the gallery.
